
EP49: How Reddit Brought Their Community Together IRL

Episode Summary

Greg Goomishian is a Lead Community Manager at Reddit.com. He’s currently running “Team IRL” and focusing on offline user engagement. He also runs Redditgifts.com, the world's largest online gift exchange community. In our conversation, we are going to dive into what it means to bring your community from online to IRL.

Episode Notes

Greg Goomishian is a Lead Community Manager at Reddit.com. He’s currently running “Team IRL” and focusing on offline user engagement. He also runs Redditgifts.com, the world's largest online gift exchange community. In our conversation, we are going to dive into what it means to bring your community from online to  IRL.

Too Long; Didn't Listen

6:39m - Greg describes what he thinks community builders should focus on; allowing creativity and flexibility is key

8:01m- How to go about getting internal financial support for community programs when there might not be much funding

9:27m- Advice on using Reddit as a medium to build out your community

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